Chassis dynamometer
18,24,48 and 78 inches roller diameter for car,
2-wheeler, truck and tractor
Chassis dynamometer : a very wide range of applications
Rotronics has more than 30 years of know-how in the design and manufacturing of chassis dynamometers for all types of vehicles:
2- and 4-wheel drive cars, quad, motorbikes.
This great experience has allowed us to decline standard products adapted to very specific markets with rollers ranging from 18 to 78 inches roller diameter.
Chassis dynamometer 18 series
Motorcycle and quad R&D
30 to 250 kW
EOL Brake testing chassis dynamometer
Twin rollers for quad and buggy.
Other application on request.
Chassis dynamometer 24 series
Option AC, Simulation.
For car and 2-wheeler application.
Chassis dynamometer 48 series
48 inch roller chassis dynamometer. For car application.
For Homologation.
Simulation option.
Chassis dynamometer 78 series
For truck / tractor application
Simulation option, AC.