High performance technology

Designed specifically for the industry, discover our hub dynamometer

From the standard product to the NVH, climatic or dedicated to autonomous driving variations, discover all our hub dynamometers

Road load simulation

Ready for electric

Easy to use

A complete road load simulation

Equipped with 4Q cabinet , dyno allows you to brake but also to motor the vehicle. This will in particular make it possible to offer a complete road load simulation: going uphill or downhill, simulation of inertia or coast down, among others. It is even possible to brake on the dyno !

Steering simulation

Dyno is equipped with a device to create strength on the steering.

The customer is then able to turn the steering wheel on the dyno with a consitent force feedback. This will be very useful in semi-autonomous driving applications or in the development of driving aids in particular.

Hub dyno: VIL ready!

The software suite delivered with the dyno can be controlled by Rotronics suite but also by a third-party simulation tool.

Hubscan AC has already been interfaced with Scaner (AVSIMULATION) for ADAS and electric vehicle R&D.
In this configuration (MASTER MODE), the simulation interacts with the dyno 500 to 1000 times per second (torque and speed measurement exchange / setpoint application per wheel).

A wide range of applications