Autonomous driving is the hot topic of 2019 in the Chinese market.
Rotronics Testing solutions was present at TESTING EXPO CHINA 2019.

We would like to thank the many visitors to our ROTRONICS / IAE booth for all the interesting discussions we were able to have.


The LIVE demo of our HUBSCAN connected to the simulation software was very much appreciated. The integrated system installs very quickly. The complete assembly of the vehicle on 4 wheels requires less than 10 min. The fact of no longer having the tire allows an incomparable level of torque measurement precision.

All manufacturers are pushing their R&D to validate the different stages of autonomous driving. This is the reason why ROTRONICS TS & IAE are proud to offer a complete solution combining the machine and the simulation software to help you boost your developments.

You can therefore simulate real cases with a very high level of repeatability, test partial or total losses of sensors. After each modification of your autonomous driving algorithm you can by applying 100% the same experimental conditions as the new version is 100% effective and safe.

Rotronics TS is your solution for your component, engine and vehicle developments.

Thanks to a wide range of products and also efficient design offices (mechanics, finite elements, software and electronics) we can meet most of your test bench requests.

Our HUBSCAN hub bench is the perfect solution for your NVH, climatic or performance tests, moreover it is compatible with most simulation tools on the market by Ethercat link to allow, among other things, a fast and precise control of each wheel independently.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any request.

# autonomousdriving # hubdyno # EV # Emotor # simulation #VIL #HIL #ROTRONICS