For more than 30 years Rotronics has worked with schools, technical education training centers and also research laboratories.
The range of our benches is aimed in particular at a very wide range of training. Physical, thermal & energy measurement, automobile, engine, mechanics ranging from baccalaureate level to engineer level.
The Autoscan, one of our chassis dynamometer solutions, will make it possible to offer a road simulation to vehicles. It will also guarantee optimal safety conditions thanks to its wheel cover system.
Through our standard products as well as our industrialized products, we are able to provide specific solutions studied on specifications.
We notably had the opportunity to work for the University of Technology of Compiègne in partnership with SCANeR® during a project of our Hubscan bench for an application related to autonomous driving.
Partner of the educational world for many years. Rotronics is proud to announce that we are part of the partners of the Auto’Mobility Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Trades and Qualifications Campus.
The Campus’ fields of activity range from the design and validation of vehicles to their operational maintenance.
In addition, the campus is recognized today as a major player in skills development.
To do this, it collects the skills needs of industrialists in the region. In order to make the link between the training to be offered and the local call for tenders. It continually seeks to develop innovative and flexible training materials for initial training, as well as for continuing training.
In addition, the campus has been officially labeled CARA European Cluster for Mobility Solutions since October 2020.
CARA’s role is to develop and support its members towards changes in urban mobility. But also systems for transporting people and goods and also the creation of the vehicles of tomorrow.
For 30 years Rotronics has always been keen to provide the world of education with high-performance technical equipment as well as innovative educational tools in order to train the generations of tomorrow.